Sunday, 25 April 2010

because i miss my ah mah.

it was initally in mandarin

ah mah: tomorrow is chinese new year already 7up will open anot?
me: huh? ah mah its 7-11. 7up is the drink.
ah mah: oh ya ya ya. correct correct. 7-11. hahahahahaha 7up.

ah mah: ah nadya, can you help me to take co-lie
me: huh? whats that? whats co-lie?
ah mah: co-lite! i'm very thirsty.
me: ohhhhhhh coke light!!
ah mah: hanna, co-lie! thank you.

ah mah: today i clean my house. all d-i-y ah.
sister and me: woahhhhh, ah mah use d-i-y.
ah mah: correct right d-i-y?
sister and me: correct correct.
ah mah: mmmmmm, see i'm good only. i just don't want to use the word only.

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