i've come to realised that we are what we are.
fat skinny tall short ugly pretty handsome big nose fat fingers pointy ears bug tooth
we should really love how we look don't you think so?
lost a pound of two? gain half a stone? who cares!
what really matters is our character.
well yea, we're living in a world that judges us.
the clothes we wear
the food we eat
the size we are
hey! if that bugs you, you're just going to suffer for the rest of your living life living up to the world's expectation.
like what katy perry will sing, baby you're a firework come and let your fire burst!

ohhhh and yes, daisy dukes bikinis on top!
come on! lets let our hair down and enjoy the judging world together.
okayyyyyyyyy, whats was that above i don't know. i just wanted my fingers to do a little typing today. sooo, i know i know i'm weird. byeeeee
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