Friday, 11 March 2011


Hi everybody,

as majority already know, japan has been hit with a magnitude earthquake of 8.3.
For those that don't understand, 8.3 is bad. very very bad
personally for me, i feel that we human deserve it.
God gave us earth to live and look what we did to it? building stuff on it, worst still polluting it.
Earth is just like us. when she's sick, she'll have to kill the bacteria living in her.
how would you feel if you're sick and you don't recover? thats how earth is feeling now.
She's just protecting herself from all the damage we did to her.
so don't bother asking people to pray or what knot.
All these earthquake wouldn't have happened if we didn't made earth so sick.
you want to help, do your part by being environmental friendly. use what you need.

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